Mira, a kind-hearted nine-year-old, was deeply moved by a story about foster kids at school and wanted to help. Mira proposed organizing a Christmas fundraiser in 2023 to support foster children. With her mother's help, they created handmade scented candles, experimenting with different scents and designs. The fundraiser was a huge success, surpassing all expectations, as the school community rallied behind Mira’s cause. This experience sparked Mira's entrepreneurial spirit, showing her that she could combine her passion for creating with giving back. With her mother's guidance, Mira launched Gleam Candles, a business focused on crafting beautiful candles while supporting charitable causes. Through Gleam Candles, Mira continues to organize fundraisers for causes close to her heart, using her entrepreneurial journey to make a meaningful impact and spread light and joy in her community.